Contact Information:

Contact Information: Michelle Bowen 281-814-9595

How to Prepare for a Session

What to expect?
Upon arrival I will have you sign a quick form. If time permits you can do an outfit change and possibly a set (if in studio) change.  I will provide some props, but feel free to bring your own too! 

If you have a little one make sure their tummy is happy upon arrival.

What to bring for Babies/Kids?
  1. BRIBERY- yes please bring that special candy/treat (see #4) and toy that gets your child excited!
  2. Outfits for child to wear and hats, bows, headbands, beanies, custom diaper cover, etc… bring backup in case a mess happens (see below tips on clothing selection)
  3. Blanket, toys, football, ballet slippers, heirlooms, etc… (anything you might want to use as a prop)
  4. Snack, bottle, drink, or anything else that might make them happy during the session. For children and babies that eat solid food, think bribery with food.... so bring that one thing that makes them happy.  Just remember bite size items work best… eating a cookie takes too much time and can get messy, instead think piece of chocolate, goldfish, cube of cheese, puffs, etc…
  5. Typical diaper bag items

Clothing Selection

  • Infants look the cutest in their own skin!  Have baby wear loose clothing (including diaper) on the way to the photo shoot… if we decide to remove any clothing we wont want those clothing creases in his/her skin.
  • Simple is usually better!  Another words try for solid colors or clothing with minimal print.  (If it's you favorite outfit and it looks good on you wear it!)
  • For multiple people in one photo… don’t worry about matching colors, instead try different colors that compliment each other.  Of course kids in matching outfits is cute, but so is un-matching complimentary colors… so the point is don’t stress out trying to find the exact same “blue” shirt in every size.
  • A general rule of thumb... "Black conceals & white reveals"  What does this mean?  Dark colored clothing can conceal "flaws" and white can cause "flaws" to show.  So if you are worried that a "fat roll" may appear when you sit down or your bra might show a crease in your shirt, then maybe a darker color is better to wear.  But please, please, don't think you shouldn't wear light colored clothing!  Light colored clothing often looks best in photographs!  This is just something to be conscientious of when selecting your clothes.  
  • If people of various skin tones are in the same picture... have the darker skin toned person wear lighter colors and lighter skin toned person wear darker colors.  Again not necessary, but something to consider!
  • Blue jeans do look great in casual pictures!  

    Here are some examples of color schemes to use for your clothing selection:

    When printing your images the aspect ratio of the image changes based on the size of the print.  Below is an example of how this would affect your images: